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Standing Committee


NDS works tirelessly to ensure we are making an impact in the community we serve. The following committees are where all the magic happens. If you have any questions or would like more details about a committee, please contact NDS at

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee reviews the Section's records quarterly and submits a written report of its findings, as well as conducts special audits at the direction of the Executive Committee. The Committee also reviews and proposes internal control and arranges an audit during office transition.

Bethune-Height Recognition Committee

The Bethune-Height Recognition (BHR) Committee represents the Section at the BHR meetings, reports to the Executive Committee the details of the upcoming BHR events, as well as encourages Section members to participate in the events and become a Life member.

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee reviews and updates the Section’s Bylaws every two years or at the request of the Executive Committee or as directed by Headquarters.

Community Service Committee

The Community Service Committee implements community outreach programs focused in our service area: Loudoun County, western Fairfax County, western Prince William County, and Fauquier County. The Committee also informs the Section of special social concerns within the community and represents the Section at community meetings where appropriate.

Elections Committee

The Elections Committee develops and announces the process of voting prior to and at the Section’s May Business Meeting; as well as conduct the election and announce results.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee creates and proposes a budget to the Executive Committee, and upon approval, present the same budget to the Section at the first Section meeting in September.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee receives all applications for membership, takes the roll at Section meetings, and contacts members who are absent for three consecutive meetings. The Committee also maintains the Section roster and distributes it to all Section members.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee proposes a slate of nominees for election, and vets the qualifications of the members, using the information provided by the Second Vice President and Recording Secretary.

Ways and Means Committee

The Ways and Means Committee proposes fundraising activities for the purpose of achieving the financial needs of the Section, and presents the proposal to the Executive Committee for approval.

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